Michele Dunlap
Chairwoman, German Tourette Association (TGD)
Since meeting Seonaid first in 2012 at ESSTS conference in Catania I have been privileged to work with her within the European Patients Advocacy Group, also known as ESSTS Patients Group. This group currently consists of nineteen countries, represented by sixty-two patient representatives. A subset gathers annually within the umbrella of ESSTS conference to discuss, brainstorm and decide on patients’ collective issues. Seonaid has tremendously supported the mainly non-academic group of patient representatives to better understand in-depth the scientific domain of Tourette Syndrome as well as address and patients’ issues towards the ESSTS researchers’ community. More so she has helped to enhance communication and dialogue with clinicians and researchers attending the conference and beyond as well as the ESSTS board itself. Over the years, Seonaid has extensively contributed and helped shape this group with in valuable knowledge of the area, professionalism, compassion and on going motivation for the cause as well as being the caring, empathic, generous and sweet-hearted person she is. I wish her well on her new endeavours!