I have been part of a team of people who have produced ananimation with Woven Ink, educational professionals, charity representatives,researchers and lived experience advocates including Paul Stevenson, EmmaMcNally, Marie Ralph, Dr Seonaid Anderson, Daniel Jones and Dr JenniferSalvage.
We are immensely proud of this coproduced piece of work,which we have dedicated to those with tics who have lost their lives tosuicide.
Our aim is to share this video widely to persuade thosedecision and policy makers to support us in making changes to healthcareguidelines for Tourette Syndrome.
We want as many people as possibleto share the videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok usingthe hashtag #TourettesHearUs
We are also asking for people totag in their MP and other people local to them who can bring about changewithin the NHS.
We are hoping this animation mayhelp us be heard if we all come together, so any help is much appreciated
Please share with others in the TScommunity
Guest Panelist, 12 August 2020
Guest Panelist, 12 August 2020
In this podcast, Dr Seonaid Anderson and Helen Eadie, of Tourettes Action, define Tourettes Syndrome and expand on its impact. Together with Jo Carlowe, psychology journalist, they explore the next steps for raising identification, awareness, and positive outcomes.

Introduction - what we already know - treatment - areas of uncertainty - What's in the pipeline?
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Contributing author: “Barriers to improving access to therapy treatment for tics in the UK”
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Clinical psychologist Beverley Sokel describes the advantages of attending BTTI training and clinical consultation sessions and how it has helped her behavioural therapy practice with people who have tics and Tourette Syndrome
In this In Conversation podcast, Dr. Seonaid Anderson is joined by Dr. Charlotte Hall, Dr. Tammy Hedderly, Joe Kilgariff, and Lisa Rudge for a round table discussion on Tics and Tic Disorders, such as Tourette Syndrome

Dr Seonaid Anderson interviews Emily McGann to find out more about the NIHR funded SATURN study comparing ADHD medications for those with tics. Find out more by looking at the website https://www.nctu.ac.uk/our-research/randomised-trials/current-studies/saturn.aspx or emailing saturn@nottingham.ac.ukSATURN website: https://institutemh.org.uk/research/projects-and-studies/saturnNCTU projects page: https://www.nctu.ac.uk/our-research/randomisedtrials.aspx
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